If our love no longer make us feel secured, happy and contented, is it still called "love"?
Has it deteriorate into something called "shackles"?
And we are trapped, in our own prison...
But at least there's a prison...
It's better than nothing at all...
Oh God help me...
I'm digging my own grave...
Shinloo, is it something to do with that "Z" person again?
haha... oh well...
actually it's just something i want to ventilate...
and i'm not in suicidal mode either... just feel like writing something dark...
and erm... just in case you guys are wondering... we're not about to break up either... haha...
why suddenly post something so dark?? you made me feel so depressed only... i'm still at the 'nothing-at-all' stage... siGh... =(
why ler??.....Both of you so young, with many friends & beauty with brain....When the right moment come, the "tindak-balas kimia" will happen & then KABOOOMMM (explosion)...!!..LOL..Agree??
tindak balas kimia~~
oh well...
i don't really know about that...
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