Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fairy Tale

My fairy tale is embedded within a world of materialists
Everything I do is a function of my financial income
It is highly dependent on
My career
My boss
My monthly income
My financial stability
I have only a certain amount of say in
My ability to go for a vacation
My will to spend my weekends with loved ones
My desire for a new handphone, a GPS, a PlayStation
It affects almost everything
The financial limitation
The job requirement
It always comes first
Busy is a powerful word
It allows you to cancel a vacation
It allows you to be late for an appointment or a date
It allows you to not spend time with family, friends, loved ones
It allows you to not have proper meals
My fairy tale is embedded within a world of materialists


Kew said...

time will pass and take it easy.
you will gain a valuable experiences..

best regards,

shinloo said...
